by Richard Kaczynski

Thursday, October 28, 2010


'THE MAN:THE MAGE:THE POET' is the subtitle of CHARLES RICHARD CAMMELL'S biography of ALEISTER CROWLEY......a book I have recently re-read in pursuit of some of my interests and in response to others taking an interest in this sort of I will sort of discuss the book and give my personal observations/opinions about it all, subject to future revisions if such things are needed in some way.... I have formed over the years the habit whenever I read nonfiction or biographies,etc. of searching the indexes(if any) for certain names or topics that will indicate some things I wish to know at a glance, even if my surmises are wrong..................................................................................TWO NAMES THAT I TEND TO LOOK FOR ARE THOSE OF: GURDJIEFF & OUSPENSKY, and if lacking those, I go ot other names or topics however vaguely related or linked to such, as for example famous people who 'visited','studied' 'worked' or met them,etc....................................................................................In CHARLES RICHARD CAMMELL'S book on ALEISTER CROWLEY, I came across both their names(G'S & O'S)meantioned on page 28 where GURDJIEFF was,somewhat, linked to the name DORJIEFF,the 'Tibetan',considered 'mysterious' by some, a 'spy' by others, and occasionally a 'teacher' or 'master' of GURDJIEFF who has also been identified as one of DORJIEFF'S entourage during THE GREAT GAME' involving Russia and Britain as well as Indai,etc. ..................................................................................All such 'I.D.'S" are open to question and to further research but are unlikely to ever happen one way or another.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

मास्टर THERION

Aleister Crowley was also known as MASTER THERION and wrote THE BOOK OF THOTH, which is a 'treatise' on THE TAROT, as understood and practiced by him and some of his 'disciples' as well as others in the line of descent from once famous GOLDEN DAWN,of which I shall have some other things to say perhaps at another time....... "The CROWLEY DECK is a special TAROT rendition which Crowley indicated for construction that features things he felt were more important than the 'standard' or 'accepted' decks others utilized........ Crowley was very astute in some of his observations and deductions about the TAROT as well as very sarcastic and sometimes scathing in his criticisms of other practitioners and developers of similar occult materials.....but such is often overlooked because of his 'brilliance' and 'intelligence' that seems to fascinate many and outshine his obvious 'defects', 'attitudes','shortcomings' and the like........ Those who wish to pursue a deeper study and/or utilization of the TAROT DECKS of any and all kinds, should do so but also include some study of other systems and groups in this endeavor for various of which is to become familiar with the symbolism involved in all of them as much as is possible, which can be confusing and intricate, but worth the effort......... MASTER THERION (Crowley) is the identity that Crowley assumed after certain 'occult' rituals and this is but one of several he used in his 'work' a magician and occultist, Crowley seems unique in many respects and that is his appeal......he is also 'deceptive' and a 'joker' as well....but those reading him in what works they can obtain, many of which are expensive despite being in print after some periods of long suppression and rarity.....will soon find all this out.....and reading about his life by various authors will delight, disgust, and fascinate additionally, provided one remembers the times in which he lived and not merely the notoriety he received and probably enjoyed to the fullest...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


those who read this might not know that Gerald Gardner met Aleister Crowley who had some influence on him and vice versa, probably, and that Gardner once had a Museum of Witchcraft on the Isle of Man. Gardner spent time in the Far East and wrote a book on the kris in which he gives his ideas on the origins of the marvelous weapons and some accounts and descriptions of interest concerning these weapons. Many line drawings are in the book which has influenced later writers on the subject, possibly inspiring them to do so......though nowadays very colorful photos of rare and valuable krises are to be found in books and also in various world museums.....Gardner also became interested in Pygmys and as we now know claims have been made about ancient small people in areas he visited and studied,etc. At any rate, more can be said about Gardner who has influenced Witchcraft/Wicca, Paganism and Neo Paganism, and a variety of other movements along the same line.......althugh many critics tend to decry, if not despise, his contributions and overall influence....more at another time...